Saturday, November 21, 2009

Twilight Fever for a TwiGran

For the first time in a loooong time (I think last time was in 1976 to see Rocky Horror Picture Show) I went to a midnight movie. It was quite an experience. I bought the ticket earlier in the day to the midnight showing and two for the next day with my friend Marianne who had never read the books but had seen the first movie, Twilight.

I had also accidentally bought a ticket online for Twilight showing at 9pm. I thought I was buying one for New Moon at the time, since I have seen Twilight 8 times or so and have the DVD, and didn't need to see it again. But I was so glad I had that ticket. It allowed me to go into the theatre and see Twilight again on the big screen and keep my seat for the showing of New Moon while others waited outside to get in.

I laughed as the girls screamed and giggled all through the movie. When Edward first appeared all the girls screamed. When Taylor took off his shirt to wipe blood from Bella's forehead they screamed again. It was constant and funny and a bit annoying. But I was so glad I went. After the movie so many fans coming out of all the theatres simultaneously from all the showings in that Cinema was impressive. And it was after 2am and we were all up to see this movie the second it opened. I loved it and will see it again today. It has already been clocked at 72million for the first day, Friday which includes the midnight showing at 12:01 on Friday, eclipsing the Dark Knight and the Harry Potter movies making it the biggest opening ever!

Yes, an obsessed fan, can't wait now for the third installment, Eclipse, which has already completed filming and I expect with the new year coming we will all begin the fever pitch of expectation with it as well. The trailers will begin, the fan sites will give us every detail of its being made. And we will all flock to the theatres again the second it opens in June of 2010.

I may have been the oldest person there but I didn't notice. And I didn't and don't care. We love us some Edward and everyone can relate to passion. Bring it on again! And again!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I have tickets for tonight at midnight and tomorrow afternoon I will see it with my friend Marianne. I can't wait. Tonight it will be way past my bedtime and I will probably be the oldest person there but I don't care.

See new trailer.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

5 Days to New Moon

It's almost here! I am actually planning to go to the midnight showing on Wednesday night. They are showing Twilight before it and I accidentally bought tickets to it too. I have already seen Twilight 8 times or so in the theatre (it was only $4 to see a movie in Kansas City) and I have the DVD so I don't NEED to see it again. But it fits. See Twilight on the big screen and then New Moon. Okay, I can live with my accident.

Eclipse is already finished filming and will be out next year in the summer I hear.

 So when will they start shooting Breaking Dawn? And how will it be rated? Anyone who has read Breaking Dawn, the 4th book in the series, knows there is some R rated material in it. And since the major fan base is teenage girls I wonder how they will film it and keep it PG 13.

I am moved in, comfy and farther away from my grandbabies :-(
But I got to be with them last night while Annie and Devon had date night.
I had problems with my laptop in that it was slogging along, almost unusable. So I got a computer guy from Edmonds to look at it and he put some spyware and malware finders on it and added 1 gig memory chip to it so it was faster, at least in his office. I found out my Belkin router is still a problem. The one I had problems with before and got replaced with a new one? Yeah, that one. So no more messing with that router. I called Comcast and they are giving me a router with instructions how to install and if I need further help I can call them. I had been reluctant to get theirs because I thought I would have to have a tech come out and install it and they were charging $149 to do that. So I am getting a new Comcast router and installing it myself. And they will support it. YAYYYY!!!
Meanwhile I am hooked directly into the Comcast modem and flying along. Oh, and they are going to upgrade my modem to a faster one. And I will get a home phone again. Verizon reception here is not good so I can reduce my minutes with them again if I have a home phone.
Progess is a lot of work!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Moving is not for the faint of heart

I am already exhausted and the main move hasn't started yet. Tomorrow three men and a truck will come help me with the bed and furniture and the boxes too heavy for me to lift. 
I did lift about 6 boxes today and bags of clothes the last three days. I put them on a cart here and took them to my car and then got the dolly thingie at the place I'm moving too and unloaded them onto that and rolled it up to my apt where I unloaded them again. I come home with an aching back and very tired but I feel very proud of myself for doing things I never thought I could still do.

I can't wait until I am laying in my bed tomorrow night thinking "It is done, I am finally home."

Until my name comes up on an apt on the eastside which is where I really want to go. I can request the eastside after I have lived in Shoreline apt for 6 months.  And then we get to do this all over again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Countdown to New Moon

All Twilovers put November 20th on your calendar. 30 days left and counting. Are you a fan? Are you going to see it? Please vote.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


In a little over a month on November 20th the vampires and werewolves hit the theatres. The triumverate of Bella, Edward and Jacob come to immerse us in their saga. It is almost time to read the second book, New Moon for the third time. When I start I don't really stop much so it only takes me a couple days to get through it so I still have plenty of time.

There is a Making of New Moon film, kinda blurry but I have included it here. Get ready.........

I can't wait!!

By the way, check out this website for all things Twilight, including trailers.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Once Upon a Dream

Friday night I babysat Lucy, Max and Joe. Lucy and I watched Sleepun Beauty (she called it "sleepun beauty") three times. The song Once Upon a Dream has been looping in my brain ever since. It really is a beautiful song. I even know that Mary Costa, age 19 and still in high school at the time sang the song as Sleeping Beauty. See link to watch and listen and sing along :-)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My trip to "Mt Rainier" and BB Eviction

Well, the news is Chima has been evicted by the PRODUCERS! Hey, couldn't happen to a more annoying immature person. I am dying to hear what house rules she broke to get herself kicked.

AND I was delighted to see Jessie the narcissist go home finally!

In other news, my trip to Mt Rainier: Ah yes, well that was the most misrepresented thing in recent memory. Kind of like Sarah Palin. All talk and no substance.

This was billed as a train ride to Mt Rainier. What it was? A BUS ride to the small town of Mineral, before you ever get to Mt Rainier. Then a ride on a very old clunker of a train going 15 mph and a Bar BQ. Uh huh. The train went into the woods by trees and more trees and a stream appeared now and then, and then it went backward to where we started. Never got within shouting distance of Mt Rainier. Never saw it. There was total cloud cover so not a chance of seeing it anyway but we didn't go to Paradise or Sunset or anywhere on the mountain. I have been there many times, camping, hiking and just driving around and there are gorgeous vistas and lakes to be seen. I was truly looking forward to a "train ride to Mt Rainier."

Well, everyone I talked to was heartily disappointed and felt, as I did, that our day could have been better spent. We were supposed to be home by 7:30pm but we were home after 9:30pm exhausted. It seems no allowance was made for loading and unloading 80 or so seniors with various disabilities, 8 walkers and one wheel chair and an oxygen tank on wheels (I counted them). See photo.

We did stop at a small church in Elbe with a nice history. A wedding had just happened and all were coming out of the church.

We did see some pretty trees.

I swear I am just not THAT old. I feel I don't belong in this crowd. Not yet and hopefully never. I did meet a nice lady who went with me to the first outing to Frost/Nixon play at the Paramount which I truly enjoyed. We decided we would go today to the Taste of Edmonds. But she called this morning and said she was not prepared to leave her apt, still recovering from yesterday. I am determined to do something fun today.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Glamour Girl

Glamour Posin'


When I spent the day with Lucy, Max and Joe a couple days ago Lucy was so delighted I was there and wants ALL my attention ALL the time. She is such a poser and is so fun to watch and play with. I just adore her. Max was cooing and laughing and reaching out to grasp things.

Joe was out playing with his friends most of the time. Here he is making cookies with Momikins.

One of my favorite summer shows, So You Think You Can Dance ended last night and Janine won. It was between Janine and Brandon and I was hoping for Brandon, he is soooo gorgeous, what a body, but Janine deserved to win too, a great dancer, as were both. So what now, only Big Brother 11 which is fascinating to watch the interaction between these people. One girl is so weird, she is covered with tattoos and is Latina but has bleached blonde hair, black eyes and wore a mask like think over her eyes, with her eyes shining out of eye holes. Very weird. There are only two or three people I care about at all.

I find myself looking forward to the fall shows coming up.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alone with Joe, Lucy....AND MAX

Friday night I was asked to babysit while Devon went to his 20th high school reunion. Very odd, my baby son old enough to have a 20 YEAR high school reunion! I ws delighted to spend time with my grandchildren as usual. But this time would be a first: I would have Max too, with pumped mommy's milk in bottles. There were three so I thought there would probably be enough. But as we know, Max is a ravenous little guy. So I HOPED it would be enough. I also hoped we would not have any emergencies like we did a week before when two kids at once were traumatized and me being only one grandma.

Lucy watched Dragon Tales (I was trying something new and she was entranced).

Joe was upstairs playing video games and Max was playing on his play mat.

About 7 Max was hungry and I warmed the bottle and fed him. At first he was not sure, but I held him like his Mom might, up close and he sucked it right down and fell asleep. He was still sleeping when Devon and Annie got home. Lucy was asleep on the couch and Joe in his bed. So I had new confidence. I am excited about my next adventure with The Three.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Trauma for Joseph and Lucy

I was with Joe for two days and had so much fun. We played pool, Wii sports games and Slug Fest of Xbox. We had some good meals and saw Transformers in Imax at the new theatre in Northgate.

Then Friday night I went to stay with Joe and Lucy while their parents went to see a Mariners game. Joe went to play with a friend and show his new glasses (see photo). He came home about 6:20 screaming and crying and bleeding. He was bleeding on his knee, his elbow and his side. His biggest concern was he had fallen and dropped his Yugio cards on the sidewalk and he asked me to get them. So I ran out and got them and when I came back in he was crying and shaking and Lucy was crying and shaking, terrified by Joe's crying and shaking. So I held both kids and then asked Lucy to help me fix Joe's wounds. We cleaned them and put on anti biotic ointment and bandaged them. Then when the bandages bled through I bandaged them again. It was a tramatic night.

Lucy in new shorts and halter top Grandma Donna gave her.

When Joe went to bed I held Lucy and told her stories about the little girl-in-the- Princess-Dress in the swing, on the slide, walking hand in hand with her big brother. She would make suggestions, "Read me the story about the girl in the Princess Dress and a kite" she would say. I was making up these stories so I wasn't reading but I knew what she meant. It was quite a week, three days and two nights with Joseph and then a night with Joseph and Lucy.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Proud Grandma

I am in love all over again with a little boy named Max. He is so cute, cooing and reaching up to me. Lucy and I went to the park across the street and she went down the slide and I went with her, over and over again...Lucy, not me. I got a bit worn out sooner than she did. She was so happy, laughing and giggling and running from the slide to climb up again and go down the slide again. We had so much fun together.

She was dancing yesterday before her mom and dad left for their movie date and you can check it out below and hear our comments on our "gracefull" little girl.
Note Binky in mouth :-)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Two Contests, Disappointment

I was about as shocked as Kris Allen was to see him win American Idol. He said, "No, Adam deserves this." I thought so too. So I have been reading blogs about what happened. Some say the religious south didn't like that Adam was gay. Some say the teen girls in Arkansas, Kris's home, voted hundreds of times and one voted 2600 times. Some say they figured Adam had a career in the bag so they voted for Kris. Pity votes?

Some say they wanted to prove the judges and especially Simon wrong. Some blamed it on the old ladies. But I am one of those and I have always voted for Adam. Those who blame the old ladies forget that once we were young and it was at a time when Queen was young and the Stones were too, ACDC, Aerosmith, all the great classic rock bands: we were raised on them. Adam is the new Freddie Mercury (lead singer for Queen who died of AIDS in 1991).

I liked Kris. He puts out emotion in an intimate way, draws you in. But it was clear to me last night when both Adam and Kris sang with Queen that Adam is very clearly the best performer and singer. Adam is someone you cannot take your eyes off. He commands an audience. I can't wait to see what he does and would even love to see him live. I know he will have a huge career.

I do believe he is the best singer ever to be on American Idol. Period.

Now we move on to Dancing With the Stars. Again the wrong choice for winner. America went for cute instead of sexy. A 17 year old Olympian gymnast who was afraid of expressing any kind of sexuality or sensuality in her dancing wins over Gille Marini who was the French naked guy on the terrace in Sex and the City? To me that was a no contest situation also. Gille Marini was clearly the best dancer. But Shawn Johnson improved the most. I would not care if I ever saw Shawn Johnson dance again. I would love to see Gille dance anytime anywhere.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Who will win American Idol? Vote Now!

It is down to the last two contestants on everybody's favorite reality show. Danny Gokey whom I knew would make it a long way was voted off leaving Kris and Adam, two completely different singers. They could not be more different. And both are very good.

Danny Gokey, the man who lost his wife just weeks before trying out for American Idol.

Every week I am excited to see what Adam will sing and perform. He is best seen AND heard as he is a performer extraordinaire. I can't wait to see what he does for his rock album. But Kris will make a great album too. Adam has been my number one fave after Danny for a long time. Ever since I first saw him. He is so different and exciting and soooo talented. I like his edginess. I vote for Adam.

Adam Lambert is from San Diego and has performed on stage in plays.

Why do we all like American Idol? I say ALL because more people vote for American Idol than for president sometimes. What draws us in? I have thought about it and for me it is that they come from obscurity, just regular folks like you and me. And they get a chance at fame and fortune doing something they love.

Kris Allen came from Arkansas.

Even if you are voted off of Idol you can get that fame and fortune. Some of the offcasts have made it huge: Chris Daughtry and Jennifer Hudson to name two. This year there was huge talent on Idol and I think the final 4, including Allison and Danny, Kris and Adam, will all do well in the music world.

Who is YOUR favorite?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Miss California-Who won Miss America????

Carrie Prejean seems to consider herself a victim. She thinks she lost the Miss America crown because of her statements opposing gay marriage. Carrie or anyone else has the right to say whatever she wants to when asked the questions on the pageant. However she also must expect whatever consequences result. Also Donald Trump who owns the Miss America pageant says she would not have won anyway. She was third in the swim suit and second in another one (or vice versa). Point being she wouldn't have won anyway. So her claim is moot.

Now, we find out she broke several rules she signed onto when she joined the Miss America competition. She lied on her application about photos she had taken of her nude or semi-nude, she appeared in unauthorized commercials as a political activist. So is it fair to all the other contestants who obeyed the rules? Or the ones who didn't get accepted because they told the truth? Apparently some other contestants had had similar photos taken but admitted it and were still allowed to compete. So the problem wasn't so much that she had the photos taken as she lied about them.

Not to mention the fact that she puts herself up as a Christian yet has nude or semi-nude photos taken and then lies again that they were taken when she was not looking. Huh? Have you seen these photos? She is looking directly into the camera, definitely posed. She is being hypocritcal and she is telling a lie. Once again.

Donald Trump excuses her. She gets to keep her California crown. He also gave a pass to a previous Miss America who had been out partying, drinking and using cocaine. "She deserves a second chance." Okay. So it seems to me that these rules they have for contestants for the Miss America pageant are really meaningless.

And who is Miss America? We don't even remember her name!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

More Max

So I find out today Max was really an inch longer when he was born than we first thought. He was 22 inches and he has now grown a quarter of an inch. His head grew 3/4 of an inch. I could tell his head had filled out. He is so sweet, so perfect. I am told he is a mellow baby. It was time for one after Lucy. Lucy is so sweet with her little brother, saying "Max opened his eyes," and "Max is awake!" She is delighted by him. And I am still delighted with her.

As for my life? I went to the Paramount Theatre Sunday to see Frost/Nixon play with my community here at Cedar Park. A big bus picked us up and stopped at two other apartment communities on the way. It was great, I really liked the play AND getting to know some gals from my apartment. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Stacey Keech was playing Nixon.

When I got home I went to Devon and Annie's and we went to Mexican dinner at Las Margaritas. They gave me a beautiful silver necklace for Mother's Day that shows a larger person with three people around her. It can be either me with my three kids or me with my three grandkids by Devon and Annie. I LOVE IT!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In Love with MAX

He is finally here! I was so excited to hold him and look into his little face. He is so very beautiful. Long feet, long fingers, sweet round face. New baby smell. I got the call at about 7pm last night and Annie and Devon and "Toot" (Leslie) rushed out the door to the hospital. It now takes me at least a half hour to get there from my place. A bit after 11pm I got another call from Devon. Max was here, all 8 lb 13 oz and 21 inches of him. Long fingers, long feet, sweet round face. I can't wait to see him again tomorrow.

It was so sweet to see Lucy and Joe meeting him. Lucy is so smart for 2 yrs old I cannot believe it. She really knows that "Max isn't in Mommie's body anymore." She gets it. Really. I just love that little girl.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Living in Seattle in Lake City puts me 50 miles round trip from Devon and Annie and the kids. This requires going through my car faster than it has for a long time. BUT I do like my new apt. I am used to going to Joe's baseball games and Dev's too. I am used to being 5 minutes away instead of 25 miles one way. I don't like that part.

I do like that spring is finally here I think. I can go out some days with no jacket of any kind.

I am also having to get used to living on far less money than I am used to. I will have to make some money somehow. Will list my big clothes on eBay today. The listing fee is only .15 cents today.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Place, New life

I am in my new apartment, still getting settled. It is small but I do like it. My new Temperapedic bed is awsome and I am getting it all organized so I can have company and enjoy it. There will be no pics since I cannot locate my digital camera. I am thinking it must be in my car since it did not turn up today when Devon was here carting off boxes to my storage unit or to my car to give away.

I am glad I am pretty much settled before Max comes. I am ready now for him to come. I know Annie is ready so now his grandma is ready too. Come on Max!

I have seen and said "hi" to many people here but have not yet really met anyone. I did sign up for the group's trip to the Tulip thing for April 28th. However I told them that if my grandson was not here by then I would not be able to go. He is officially due on the 29th so that would be cutting it close. If I go I will meet many people. I have seen so many who look really really really old and I say to myself I am not that old or at least I don't look that old. I know some here are very old, as in 80's and 90's but I have seen some who are young looking as I am too. People have to be 55 and disabled or 62 to live here so there are all ages here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bachelor Dilema

So who woulda thunk the Bachelor would end up as it did? I guess the real question is why it hasn't happened before. It makes you wonder how many other Bachelors and Bachelorettes have regretted their decision by the time they go to the After the Final Rose filming and don't say anything about it, just let it go and break up with the person months later. They all seem to break up in a matter of months. It seems real life is not having dates in helicopters or yachts or going to New Zealand. It seems when these couples get into the real world of just hanging out together the reality of who they really are and how they actually relate to each other on a daily basis shows them to be incompatible. It makes it seem truly miraculous that any couple ever makes it together.

Good luck to Jason and Molly!

Aniston says no Villans

I found this fromi Jennifer Aniston about her marriage to Brad Pitt that ended four years ago:

Jennifer Aniston can’t seem to escape questions about her marriage to Brad Pitt. It’s been almost four years since Aniston and Pitt split, and the actress continues to set the record straight on her past marriage.
“No matter what I say, things will always be taken out of context and misinterpreted, will always be turned around to make it seem as though I won’t let something go, or that I just keep talking about it over and over,” Aniston said, prefacing her comments about her 2005 split with Pitt, during a new interview in the April issue of Elle UK.
“I don’t owe anybody anything. I don’t owe anybody my side of the story. There are no sides!” Aniston explained. “There is no bad guy and there is no good guy. There are no villains and there is no heroine in this story. It’s just not the case.”

I thought it was interesting because so many keep her divorce alive, taking sides between J Aniston and B Pitt or worse yet Angelina Jolie. I say let them all move forward, which they seem to be doing, in spite of all the Celeb mags trying to keep this non-war alive.