Saturday, November 21, 2009

Twilight Fever for a TwiGran

For the first time in a loooong time (I think last time was in 1976 to see Rocky Horror Picture Show) I went to a midnight movie. It was quite an experience. I bought the ticket earlier in the day to the midnight showing and two for the next day with my friend Marianne who had never read the books but had seen the first movie, Twilight.

I had also accidentally bought a ticket online for Twilight showing at 9pm. I thought I was buying one for New Moon at the time, since I have seen Twilight 8 times or so and have the DVD, and didn't need to see it again. But I was so glad I had that ticket. It allowed me to go into the theatre and see Twilight again on the big screen and keep my seat for the showing of New Moon while others waited outside to get in.

I laughed as the girls screamed and giggled all through the movie. When Edward first appeared all the girls screamed. When Taylor took off his shirt to wipe blood from Bella's forehead they screamed again. It was constant and funny and a bit annoying. But I was so glad I went. After the movie so many fans coming out of all the theatres simultaneously from all the showings in that Cinema was impressive. And it was after 2am and we were all up to see this movie the second it opened. I loved it and will see it again today. It has already been clocked at 72million for the first day, Friday which includes the midnight showing at 12:01 on Friday, eclipsing the Dark Knight and the Harry Potter movies making it the biggest opening ever!

Yes, an obsessed fan, can't wait now for the third installment, Eclipse, which has already completed filming and I expect with the new year coming we will all begin the fever pitch of expectation with it as well. The trailers will begin, the fan sites will give us every detail of its being made. And we will all flock to the theatres again the second it opens in June of 2010.

I may have been the oldest person there but I didn't notice. And I didn't and don't care. We love us some Edward and everyone can relate to passion. Bring it on again! And again!

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