Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lucy Ballerina

I was invited to Lucy's ballet class, the one where parents and loved ones (I think I was the only grandma there) get to watch. It was delightful and I took some video on my new camera and it performed as well as Lucy did.

If you listen closely at the end you hear Max's little voice saying, "Down?" 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NY's Res #2 Making money....Maybe not

I have to say I do walk more now. So NY's resolution #1 is alive and well. But NY's resolution #2 was pretty much dead on arrival, although good intentions were behind it.  The thing is I can feel pretty well for days, maybe even weeks, but I never know when those bads days come, and they come oftener than I would wish, especially in winter.

As my friend Molly said on "that's the thing about RA(rheumatoid arthritis) or many other chronic diseases -- you never know from one day to the next how you're going to feel. One day you can be fairly normal and the next you can't get out of bed. Employers won't stand for that, not in this job market particularly.  Trying to get even a part-time job when you have a condition that dictates that you'll be missing at least some amount of time isn't conducive to being hired.  It's a little different if you already have a job because there are some protections given by the ADA, but even then, if you can't perform your job for long periods of time, you're likely to be in the unemployment line."  

She is so right, and those good days can make you think maybe you really can do things.  Maybe you are going to be better now, maybe it all went away. Maybe you can have a more "normal" life.  But "normal" is really a relative term, isn't it? 

One thing I can do is rise to the occasion when I am asked to spend some quality time with my grandchildren, Joe, Lucy and Max.  It is usually only once or twice a week and I can and do get it together, no matter how I felt earlier in the day, to play with them, feed them, hold them and attend to their needs.  I look forward to it.  They raise my happy level.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Shots from a birthday

Yesterday, January 14, was Birthday number 4 for my favorite little girl LUCY. A big cake with Alice in Wonderland theme, made with strawberries and blueberries by her Aunt Merry.

A VERY happty little girl who liked her cake. Check out the black lips and the red rose in her mouth.

Daddy with his Bubs.

and his babies

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today I began fulfilling the first part of my NY's resolutions. Nikki and I walked for about a mile. It was cold but dry and our lungs must have soaked up that carbon monoxide from Aurora, not far away. But we walked. We can walk away from the fumes next time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Reflections on being Leanne's mother

My daughter Leanne just had her 46th birthday on the 23rd of December. I don't talk about my daughter much because it is too painful.  I am her mother and we mothers, well, we feel responsible for how kids turn out, even when they have mental illness and even when they are 46 years old.

We planned to meet this year on her birthday. I got her some sweaters and went down to the facility where she lives to meet her. She was not there and after waiting a while, I left a note with the bag of things I had brought for her and drove home. This is not particularly uncommon, for her not to show up.  It is one reason I don't see her often. She is hard to reach by phone or in person.  And I hate the whole parking thing in Seattle. When she called me that night at 8pm or so she said she forgot I was coming but could I come back the next day. I said I would come back on Christmas in two days.

On Christmas day I called on my way to meet her and she met me out front of her building where she lives with other people who like her have HIV/AIDS and are mentally ill. The staff help her to take her meds every day and help with other facets of her life. She has lived there and previously at another similar place for the last 15 years or so. 

When I picked her up we went downtown to have brunch.  We found one place open and had to go in the back door. On our way in a woman asked for money to buy a hotdog across the street. Since I live on social security I said no, I didn't have anything extra. Leanne had breakfast and I had coffee.   I noticed she did not have on either of the sweaters I had left for her on her birthday nor did she have on the new shoes she said she was going to get on her birthday. She was also not wearing the jacket I had given her in September when her brother Mark was visiting from Kansas City and we went to see her.  I asked her about these things and she said yes, she got the sweaters, yes she got the shoes and still had the jacket but the shoes and jacket were dirty. My fear was that she had sold or traded them for drugs.
She also asked me for ten dollars, which is nothing new. But her caseworkers have told me not to give her money or anything she can trade or sell. 

We talked. I had taken her baby book to show her pictures of when she was a pretty little girl. She is not a pretty girl now. Her teeth are gone, her skin is sallow, her hair is dull, she looks older than I do. But she is my little girl. And I was very sad.
We left the restaurant when they closed at 2pm. We went by a group of young men and she stopped to get a light for her cigarette. I heard something about a "dime" and asked her if they charged her for the light. She said, "No, they are drug sellers, selling cocaine."  Then I felt very sad again, and when we got in the car she said, to assure me, "I wanted the ten dollars to buy cigarettes."  As if I would buy cigarettes.

I dropped her off at her building and drove home. I was screaming inside and my heart was crying. A heavy darkness overtook me that did not leave for many days.  It never really goes away completely.

I am not sure I can do it next Christmas. I am not sure I can see her again. But I always think that and I always go back.  Because she is my daughter, my little girl.  She needs to know her mother loves her, no matter what. I guess it is the most important and costly gift I have to give.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New laptop

I am kind of excited because I have a new Dell laptop for the new year. My old one was 5 years old and was still working but it had been dropped a few times and was running out of memory. Do I need an excuse? Nope, got a new laptop! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to me!!
It has a number field on the right side, unlike my old one. The screen is wider. It does everything faster and smoother and oh, I am in love with my new machine. Pic taken with new Nikon Coolpix 3000 camera, which I have to figure out how to turn off the flash.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolutions: W M M

Writing, telling the whole world (or whoever reads this) my promise to myself, somehow makes it more real.  It becomes more of a committment.
So with a lot of "Hopey Changey" feelings going on, here goes:

W alk

M ake money

eet a man

Mostly in that order of importance.

  • Health is always first, which takes a very long time to fully realize. It usually takes almost all your life, like it did me. If you work out, even if you don't feel the health urgency, you are going to get the benefits. You are already ahead of those who don't work out. For me it will be walking and more walking.

  • Making even a bit more money will make my life much more enjoyable. It would be nice to be able to give gifts like I used to. Or get a haircut oftener. Or take my grandson to the movie.

  • Meeting a man to share my thoughts and feelings with would be great. I met someone who lives 300 miles away when I went to celebrate my Aunt's 90th birthday. Her son, my cousin, took me out to a couple of bars dancing. I thought maybe I would forget how but it came back just like riding a bike. And when I met a man who was very interesting and most of all, interested in me, I realized how good that felt and that maybe there is somebody out there for me too. Maybe even close enough that I don't have to drive 300 miles to find him.
Remember, they're just New Year's resolutions........