Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter fun

Easter with my son, his family and his wife's family; egg hunts, hair extensions, fun, fun fun!

Loot from the egg hunt

What's up, mom? "scary"

Annie with her new princess hair

Devon with his new Annie, looking very much like she did when he met her
 We are all very blessed that our extended blended families get along so well, we actually like each other. Some families are not so lucky.  It was a warm and fun Easter.



Allison said...

I am so glad that you documented Annie getting extensions!!! I had no idea. I am so glad that everything goes so well when the Millers are in town. They are "good people!" Happy Easter!

Annie said...

You got some good pics! My long hair was so fabulous- too bad that Max found it to be so scary! :)