Monday, May 9, 2011

A Banana Split Mother's Day

My son and his family have had some challenging times lately. He is now working weekends so Mother's Day was for the mothers today.  We hung out, Annie took Joe to his bio-mom's and then she took me and the kids to Ruby's for ice cream.  It was a nice drive around the lake to Redmond and the banana split was SCRUMPTIOUS!! Thank you Annie!

Max loved the old fashioned toy airplane in the Diner and actually sat by me and was so cute and so happy eating his ice cream cone.

All in all it was a very nice Mother's Day, if it had to be without my son Devon.  Ice cream can cure many ills. Especially ice cream with my grandkids and my beautiful daughter-in-law.  Thank you, Annie, for loving my son.


Annie said...

Yes, ice cream can cure many ills!
It was a nice afternoon, even without Dev and Joe :)

Allison said...

Hi Grandma Donna! I am so glad that you enjoyed your "date" with the other person that loves Devon so much! Thank you for being such a great support to my fellow A team member-I know she appreciates all that you do!