Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day #2 of my Birthday

I decided today would be my birthday instead of yesterday. Or maybe it is day #2 of my birthday week. Today I was able to spend my birthday check that I got yesterday.  So up to the bank to deposit the check.  Then I decided I would get the haircut I so sadly need and so richly deserve, heheh.  My last haircut was kind of what you might call a witch cut. No layers, kind of goes out at the bottom, hard to turn under, kind of like a broom. It was free so can't complain. But this time I went back to the girl I like, Rebecca, and I love my haircut now. I have very thick hair so had her take some of that thickness out. Yessereeee!!



Well. maybe you can't really see it but you can see the smile on my face in the after pic.
Happy Birthday to me day #2.

I also have brownies in the oven and when they come out I am having a steak! Then I am icing the brownies. Can you guess what I will be doing after that?

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