Sunday, July 17, 2011

Old Friends

I met Marianne about ten years ago when we both worked for Holiday, a timeshare reseller.  She was gone in a year or so and I stayed for a total of 8.  But we remained friends, went to Mexico together a few times. She showed me around Cancun and the area all around there. She and I drove a little convertible VW bug all over Cacun, Tulum, Playa del Carmen, Puerto  Moreles, and much more. We drove to Chichen Itza and walked around the ruins, had lunch and drove home that night.

We thought we had plenty of gas but we ran out in the dark, on a freeway where there were no cars, stores, gas stations or ANYTHING!  We were in a top down Bug so we grabbed our stuff and started walking.  And walking. A bus stopped to pick us up finally and left us off on the exit to Cancun where we walked once again, to the policia station.  They drove us to where we had rented our car and they went with us to put gas in our bug.  The gas guage was obviously not working properly.

If that happened today it would be VERY dangerous.  I'm sure it was then too. But we really weren't that freaked out.  Marianne is much taller and stronger than I. I felt safe with her.

Marianne and me

We had a blast the whole trip and I also went to Puerto Vallarta with her to see a friend of ours from work get married.

She now lives on a sailboat with her boyfriend of many years and invited me and many of her friends to see her son who is home with his wife and twin daughters to visit. He went to Puerto Rico to study and work and he met a woman and married her 6 yrs ago and has twin daughters who will be 6 in a few months.
Andy with his wife Shelly and daughters Sheilly and Leilani...these girls are IDENTICAL

I had never met Shelly before.  I also met many of Marianne's friends who she worked with after she left Holiday, at Providence Hospital. Andy and his family fly home tonight. I had not seen Andy since he went to Puerto Rico.

Andy and Marianne

I met a little boy who was 4 and his mom and grandma was there. I showed him a pic on my phone of Lucy telling him she was the same age. He went "ooooohooo!"  This boy is FOUR! 
Everyone brought great food, the ribs were amazing! (That word from the Bachelor again).

1 comment:

Allison said...

Isn't it fun seeing old friends? I am so glad that you got to see her and her son!

BTW-I would have died had my car run out of gas in Mexico!