Thursday, February 5, 2009

Who cares about seniors?

Apparently no one. The state I have temporarily adopted, Kansas, has a "very old system" of how they determine eligibility and poverty levels. She actually said that it would be up to the legislature to change this. She said that by the time they actually use my currrent income to determine my eligibility it will be March. I will very hopefully be home in Washington state by then and I am praying that their system will be more modern, more updated. I am hoping I will have somewhere to go to get some kind of health care relief before September when I turn 65 and will be on Medicare.

Young people would think, oh, just 8 months or so, no problem. Young people tend to be healthier than we seniors. I have prescription drugs that I depend on for my daily health that cost over $200 a month and some are more. The pain medication I take is about $250 a month. Yes, I have paid that for them. I have been living with my son so I can use my small unemployment or now my disability income to pay for them. But when I am paying rent and food and all the other things one pays to maintain a life I won't have extra money to pay for those meds.

So far I do not know exactly what Washington state's medical care is like for those who are disabled and are under 65. It is coming time to find out. I have found a couple places to live but what will happen to me with health care? Oh, and I have to wait another 3 weeks or so before I can even think of coming home, when my lump sum comes for past months.

I am seriously taking this issue as my own and when I get home I am going to do some changing, some letter writing. In fact I should start here in Kansas. Who speaks for them? Who?

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