Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best Actor indeed

Every time I see Sean Penn in a movie I wonder how anyone can be better than he is. He absolutely loses himself in any role he takes on. And that allows us, the audience, to lose ourselves in the character and the movie itself. You forget he is Sean Penn.

Today I saw the one movie I had not seen before the Awards ceremony, Milk. But having seen Mr. Penn before I was not at all surprised he won the Oscar for best actor in a leading role. Today I was once again impressed and very emotionally affected by his portrayal of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to government office in the country, in this case San Francisco. He was shot dead in City Hall by an opponent Dan White, played by Josh Brolin. This was about access to civil rights for all. He fought for rights for everyone, so people cannot be fired or excluded from certain jobs or from renting or buying homes. The sad thing is I look around 35 years or so later and there are still those who want to prevent equal rights for everyone. California just passed a proposition to ban gay marriage. That to me is a right that should be granted to all. It amazes me that 35 years later we have not come so far in this area.

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