Thursday, February 26, 2009

Idol Season 8 Faves

I already have my faves for American Idol. One didn't make it last week and one from this week didn't make it but the judges may get them in during the Wild Card selection they get in a couple of weeks. Danny Gokey was an early favorite. And Adam has become a huge favorite too. He is ready to make CDs right now. I like Megan, the blonde who did her little twisty thing this week but didn't make it in the top three. I really felt that the women outsang the men this week and that there would be two women and one guy chosen. Instead they selected two guys and one girl. At least the girl was Alison, the red haired girl with the black dress. She is very good.

I do think it will be between Danny Gokey and Adam Lambert. The Alison chick may be a contender too. It will be so fun to watch them grow over the weeks.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best Actor indeed

Every time I see Sean Penn in a movie I wonder how anyone can be better than he is. He absolutely loses himself in any role he takes on. And that allows us, the audience, to lose ourselves in the character and the movie itself. You forget he is Sean Penn.

Today I saw the one movie I had not seen before the Awards ceremony, Milk. But having seen Mr. Penn before I was not at all surprised he won the Oscar for best actor in a leading role. Today I was once again impressed and very emotionally affected by his portrayal of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man elected to government office in the country, in this case San Francisco. He was shot dead in City Hall by an opponent Dan White, played by Josh Brolin. This was about access to civil rights for all. He fought for rights for everyone, so people cannot be fired or excluded from certain jobs or from renting or buying homes. The sad thing is I look around 35 years or so later and there are still those who want to prevent equal rights for everyone. California just passed a proposition to ban gay marriage. That to me is a right that should be granted to all. It amazes me that 35 years later we have not come so far in this area.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Going Home, going home!!

Finally I am driving home, plans are to start the drive on the morning of the 8th. It will take three days at least. I am going to Devon and Annie's and will be there a week or two while getting my apartment all set to move into. I am so excited to see my family, those little kids and Max, growing huge in Annie's belly. It will be so good to be home and to see the mountains and lakes and the ocean/sound again. Never before have I appreciated Washington state more.

I will drive almost 2000 miles with my mini poodle Nikki and stop as we need to.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm So in Love with You....Justin and Al

Here it is, Justin and Al singing whatever the song is called that I just love. Check it out if you missed the Grammy's or if you just want to hear it one more time.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

O M G Moment

I saw the start of the Grammy's tonight. Al Green started singing Ever and then Justin Timberlake joined him and it was an O M G moment. Justin really is soooo hot. Al Green is from my era and Justin is NOW.
Love love love Al and Justin together.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Going Home

I am getting close to going home. It may even be the end of this month. The plan is to drive home with Nikki and put Nikki in a kennel, maybe with Randy, until I get moved into my new apartment. It is exciting to think about. But I also have to get well. I have had this vomiting thing going on since I got the flu from my daughter-in-law three weeks ago. It started with being dizzy. Then lurching vomiting and then the hospital, and IV and anti-nausea meds into the IV and back home to recover. Only I have never fully recovered. I feel good one day and then nausea the next. I have lost ten more pounds. I weigh what I did in high school, which sounds good but my muscle mass has been lost too. I am no longer 17.

So I am hoping the doc I go to Monday will be able to help so I can drive home.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Who cares about seniors?

Apparently no one. The state I have temporarily adopted, Kansas, has a "very old system" of how they determine eligibility and poverty levels. She actually said that it would be up to the legislature to change this. She said that by the time they actually use my currrent income to determine my eligibility it will be March. I will very hopefully be home in Washington state by then and I am praying that their system will be more modern, more updated. I am hoping I will have somewhere to go to get some kind of health care relief before September when I turn 65 and will be on Medicare.

Young people would think, oh, just 8 months or so, no problem. Young people tend to be healthier than we seniors. I have prescription drugs that I depend on for my daily health that cost over $200 a month and some are more. The pain medication I take is about $250 a month. Yes, I have paid that for them. I have been living with my son so I can use my small unemployment or now my disability income to pay for them. But when I am paying rent and food and all the other things one pays to maintain a life I won't have extra money to pay for those meds.

So far I do not know exactly what Washington state's medical care is like for those who are disabled and are under 65. It is coming time to find out. I have found a couple places to live but what will happen to me with health care? Oh, and I have to wait another 3 weeks or so before I can even think of coming home, when my lump sum comes for past months.

I am seriously taking this issue as my own and when I get home I am going to do some changing, some letter writing. In fact I should start here in Kansas. Who speaks for them? Who?