I cannot even remember when the last time was gas was this low. Here it is, $1.41 in Kansas City area. We are also expecting snow here, tomorrow morning. In the Seattle area we never get much snow. It has already snowed here but it sounds like tomorrow will be a bit more than we have seen so far. I miss my trees and mountains and lakes while I am here in KC but I will say it is sunny here almost every day. I do like that. So I guess this was basically about weather.
Crazy! I thought I'd never see gas that low... Dev and I were watching Nightline last night, and they were reviewing the lowest gas prices in the country, and there were many mid-west towns that were low, but none in Kansas, and none as low as $1.41.
It is getting colder here finally, and I saw snow on the Cascade Mtns. today. Enjoy the snow!
I filled up my whole tank today for under 20 bucks! It is still 1.66 here in California but hey it was costing me 50 to fill up. I for one am thrilled!
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