Sunday, December 14, 2008

What is success???

Mark came to me last night and asked me if he and Devon were very different, that his son Darren who came to Seattle to help me move, said that they were totally different, "opposites". He seemed disturbed by this and asked me what that might mean. I told him they were both good people, both successful people. Being successful cannot always be measured by money. Both men have a good family, a home, both are happy. But they have different life styles: Mark works with his hands, he builds things, works on his cars, has a house, likes Nascar and football. Devon works from an office, hires people to fix his home and the things in it, also to fix his cars. He has a condo and drives a Mercedes instead of the truck Mark drives. Devon also likes football. Both are good people, love their families, love their mother. Both men are successful. Both are happy most of the time. Isn't that how success is really measured?

1 comment:

Annie said...

Yes, I have to agree that success should be measured by happiness and contentment. If you are wealthy but unhappy, how successful can you truly be??