Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why O Why

I did not mean for this blog to get all political but I would be going against my grain if I didn't jump in with some of my views on these matters. I currently live in Kansas, a “red” state. Most of the people who live here and in other central “red” states are “working class” people. Many work with their hands, they live an average American life, they are not wealthy. The Republicans have been for the last 60 yrs or more, the party of the wealthy, the party of business. They are for making the rich richer (note: the tax cuts for the very wealthiest among us by our current president). The Democrats have been for the working people, the underdog, for taking care of the weak, and are advocates of the middle class. So..... why do people vote against their best interests? Whatupwith that??

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