Thursday, November 13, 2008

A New Day

I am Ucy's Maga. To explain, Lucy is my 22 month old granddaughter and she could not say "grandma" so she said "Maga" instead. When she talks about herself she says "Ucy" did this or that. So I am Ucy's Maga.
I am actually Joseph's grandma too. He is ten so he can say "grandma." I live about 2000 miles away from them since October 1st so I miss them very much. I have never been way for them for more than a few days so I really feel it now. I know that Lucy is at the age where she is changing daily, with new words and new additions to her personality. I especially miss her little hands going up to go around my neck when I pick her up. I miss holding her warm little body and singing to her to quiet her cries. So that explains the name of my blog. I promise I will have more interesting things to say.
I am very excited about our new President elect Barack Obama. We so need someone to save our country. I know we are all expecting a lot from this man who is after all only a man. But he seems very bright and organized and surrounds himself with bright people. Unlike the present president who surrounds himself with his friends and puts people in positions they are unqualified for. But that started with himself, not being qualified to be president to begin with. I didn't vote for him so I can criticize. I did vote for Obama and I helped my 18 year old grandson to register when we were in Seattle so he went to vote to. The next day he said he felt good voting for the first time and was glad that the person he voted for won. Me too.
I don't know who I will share this blog with yet so for now I am just writing for me I guess. I feel freer to say what I want for now.

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