Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Dog? Like Buying a House.

It has been over three months since I lost my little Nikki, whom I called "Poopoo."  I know, silly, huh? I found out other owners do the same, call their dog some affectionate term instead of their given name. The dog doesn't care, believe me.

I have been enjoying sleeping in, not having to go out for the dog, not having to take her on a walk. But I have missed not getting up earlier, not having a dog to take outside and not having someone to take walking with me.  So I think I am ready for new baby to love.

I have filled out applications at some dog adoption website, mostly and have some dogs I want, like this little honey who is called Ellie Mae. She is a Malti-poo. Maltese and Poodle mix, about 8 lbs, which is the size I want. It seems every breed is mixed with Poodles because they are smart and as non allergenic as you can get.  

Ellie Mae

Then there is Candy, a chi-pom. Yes, Chihuahua and Pomeranian mix, about 8 lbs. She is young, only about a year, has already had a litter of pups and runs around some trailer park. She really needs someone to care for her. She may not be ready for apartment and leash life, however. Here is Candy.


The most important is that the dog I get will have to like other dogs and people and especially kids. They have to be Lucy and Max approved. Nikki bit Joe when he was little so we can't have that happening. Dogs are also supposed to help you socialize with other dog owners. But Nikki did not like other dogs so she pretty much isolated me from other dog owners.  

I am waiting to hear back about these dogs or maybe others I have applied for. Two are already adopted that I was looking at earlier. So these two are still in the running. 
Who knew adopting a dog was like buying a house and getting a credit check? I guess they want to be sure you will be committed to the dog. I had Nikki for 14 years and 8 months so I guess I was pretty committed to a dog who bit my grandson and isolated me from other dog owners, so I should pass the test.

1 comment:

Stupid Girl and the Train Wreck said...

Hello Donna, i found your blog through a link on Emily Goodwins most recent post. Its nice to see that I'm not the only woman old enough to be a grandma to be a fan . . Or maybe we just have more time to read. I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. We lost our great Pyrenees "Commodore" a year ago this month. He was 13 which is quiet old for a giant breed.