Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If there is ANY doubt....

I am watching the news of a man, Troy Davis,  who is to be executed in Georgia for the murder of a police officer in 1989. I don't know all the details but there is enough to stop an execution in my opinion. Seven of Nine witnesses recanted their testimony and one person told of a confession by the actual killer. That person has moved out of Georgia because she fears for her life. Apparently stuff has been coming out for years now indicating he was not the killer and was not even there.  A former FBI director and others have come forward to stay the execution.  It went to the supreme court today and was denied. So this man will be executed tonight, soon.
Troy Davis

I realize most people in this country are for the death penalty.  But if we are going to kill someone shouldn't we be absolutely sure he or she is guilty first?  Yes, a jury convicted this person. But they can only make a judgement based on the information they see in court and that can be flawed.  If we did not have the death penalty we would not have to worry about this.  The person would have time to prove his or her innocence. Also take note that Troy Davis is a black man who had no resources for a strong defense.  Sorry, I don't use "African Ameican" because there are many people of color who do not have African ancestry. 

It is really quite scary to think that we have and will coninue to execute people who are innocent. I think it is enough to rethink the death penalty, which is really just revenge.  It does not stop people from killing or any other crime.

Okay going to go lighten up my night and watch Survivor now. Go, Cochran!

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