When I was babysitting Lucy, age 3 a couple nights ago she said she had a secret to tell me. She got up close to my ear with hand cupped and whispered, "I wuv you." My heart, my heart..... be still, my heart.
Then Saturday I was there and she asked me why I had a bracelet on my leg. I told her it was an ankle bracelet. She asked me why I wore it there and I told her I thought it was pretty. Then she said "I would not wear one." Then she said, "It would be too tight for my leg." Which makes sense if you figure it is a bracelet for your wrist that is on your ankle. I explained it was an ankle bracelet made to fit on your ankle, bigger than one for your wrist, and that I got it in Mexico. (Maybe that would explain it somehow?) Lucy is very direct, you never have to wonder how she is feeling or what she thinks.
She has an invisible friend Journey whom she has had for a long time.
She changes her princess dresses several times a day.They have to match the Princess movie she is watching. And of course she knows the song for each princess.
I took her, her mom, her dad and brothers to the airport today in their SUV and will pick them up on the 3rd. They are going to "Dizzleyland." (Lucyspeak for Disneyland)
Ahhhh, she is so sweet!
Did you know that Journey came on vacation with us? Lucy told us today that Journey is here too :)
How funny!
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