Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter fun

Easter with my son, his family and his wife's family; egg hunts, hair extensions, fun, fun fun!

Loot from the egg hunt

What's up, mom? "scary"

Annie with her new princess hair

Devon with his new Annie, looking very much like she did when he met her
 We are all very blessed that our extended blended families get along so well, we actually like each other. Some families are not so lucky.  It was a warm and fun Easter.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Looking around...I LOVE KIRKLAND!

Yesterday I was out looking for the closest library.  It turned out to be in downtown Kirkland.. It is a beautiful library, with self check-out and self check-in. Very modern and it was so nice to see downtown Kirkland again. I lived in this area 30 years ago and more. The baseball field where Devon played as a boy.  The waterfront where they used to have fireworks on the 4th.  There are many shops I will have fun visiting.

Today I went out in search of a post office and found it was in a cute little pharmacy/gift shop store. And nearby I found the Safeway which has a gas station with gas as cheap as Costco or close to it.  Not all Safeways have one so I was delighted to find this one does.

I am liking my new town and my new apartment. More good things about my apartment:

  • The water pressure is much better.
  • I am very close to both the elevator, the stairs and the laundry room
  • The laundry room has THREE washers, one top loader and two front loaders and THREE dryers. I did three loads today.

Yes, I am in heaven. Still more unpacking to do but I am home.

Monday, April 18, 2011

O the Thrill of it all!

The thrill of fresh sheets and comforter cover, the amazing feel of a shower and clean dried hair!

Yes, my shower head was installed today and the electrical outlet was fixed.

Tonight I fixed Mexican rice. I had a Mexican boyfriend in the 70's that taught me to make some Mexican dishes like enchiladas, quesadillas. That was the good part of the relationship.

Mexican Rice

Sautee (lightly fry) rice, onion and garlic in a fry pan

Add water, chicken boullion cube (or powder)

a bit of serano pepper to taste

carrots, celery, mushrooms, tomato, cilantro, (and I added half a green pepper this time) all to taste
Or any veggies you like
A pinch or two of Basil and Oregano

Sorry, I don't really measure anything except there was about a cup of rice and two cups of water.
Let it simmer on low until the rice has absorbed all the water, about 20 minutes.

Serve with chicken or whatever you like. I had it tonight with steamed broccoli. There is a lot leftover. I needed guests to help eat it. I can heat and serve with chicken tomorrow.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hell Week

I don't know when I was so glad to see a week over and gone.

I told you about my move. The one that was waayyyy over budget. The one Devon had to come help me with the next day to get the rest out. Poor Devon, torn between his obligations at work, his wife who was barfing, and very sick with two little ones and one 12 yr old running around. And I had to be out of my old apt. by 4pm.


The next day Annie was sick in bed and Devon called me early to come rescue them as he had to go to work. So I spent from 9am to 7pm taking care of my darling little grandkids and caring for Annie as best I could. I was exhausted by the time Devon got home and wonder how Annie can do this every day. I did my best, feeding clothing, changing, running, playing and taking Lucy to ballet. It was fun and I was glad I could do it.

I was just hoping and praying that Annie would be able to go on her planned trip to San Diego. I encouraged her to just go and lay around the pool if nothing else, but go. She did, the next day.

And that day, Friday, I did some work around my apt so I could live here while I unpack. I called the manager to tell him my electrical outlet in the bathroom blew as soon as I turned on my hair dryer to dry my little dog Nikki after her bath. Which meant I could not dry my hair in there. Good thing I hadn't tried that first. And I told him I need more than a hand held shower, I want my own shower head which I brought with me, that I can both stand under and use as hand held if I want to bathe Nikki. So all that will happen Monday.

Devon had asked me to take care of the kids on Saturday and Sunday mornings very early, as in be there at 6am. It was all planned, I was looking forward to it.

Devon and Max and I were not sick. But I had just been exposed. We all had had flu shots and were congratulating ourselves that we had them and were not sick. I had mine in September before my Mediterranean Cruise.


Friday night I felt yucky and even put some plastic bags by my bed in case I had to barf and couldn't make it to the bathroom in time.

But I did make it, starting about midnight and ending about 6am or later. I texted Devon I was sick and was not going anywhere. Saturday was spent in bed, so weak I could hardly stand and walk outside to take Nikki to do her business. I hoped I wouldn't see anyone and scare them.

Sunday morning I awoke soaking wet and realized I must have had a fever because it had broken. But I didn't feel like a real human being until Sunday afternoon.

I finally had something to eat.

I am hoping Annie had a great time. Devon had the kids all weekend, no help. Things did NOT go as was carefully planned.

But that's Parenthood.

And as for that flu shot? Was my flu shot an early concoction that didn't include this strain?

Who do I sue?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Moving, Moving, Moved!

I don't think I have ever heard anyone say, "I just love moving!"  But everyone can say, "I am so glad I am moved in!" 
First of all there is the hired pro movers. They give you an estimate a week ahead of time and then at 7pm the night before the move they send you an email with a slightly different (higher) estimate. Then the moving cost ends up being even higher. Ahh yes, they have us over a barrel when they call at the last minute and "adjust" the estimate.  I have to be out of the old Wednesday so I had no choice, really.

On a positive note the movers, Zach and Matt were young, good looking, efficient, careful and fun.  AND I am spending the night in my new apartment tonight. Actually, I can't wait to get in bed.

After the movers left I went back to the old place to get my coffee pot, toaster and some stuff out of the fridge so I can feel normal in the morning starting out my day. 

Other positive notes: 
  • There is a stream behind this building. With a nice bench to sit while the stream rolls by.
  • It is a half mile walk or drive to Juanita Beach.
  • I don't have to drive through Seattle or cross a bridge to see my grandchildren.
  • I like the carpet color much better here. 
  • My unit is close to the elevator, stairs and laundry room.
  • I am on the third floor so......
  • There is no big fat guy above me walking around making my ceiling creak all day and half the night. (Doesn't this guy EVER sit down?)
  • Comcast surprised me today after saying they couldn't make it today by showing up and hooking me up.
  •  AND the Comcast guy, Damin, was kind enough to move a box from my kitchen that said very clearly on the top:

Damin said not to tell his boss. I am quite sure his boss does not read my blog.