I was saddend to hear of the death of Elizabeth Taylor this morning. This woman truly LIVED.
She was married 8 times, two to the love of her life, Richard Burton. She was known as the most beautiful woman in the world. I think she probably was.
The love scandals of today pale in comparison to what she lived. She married Eddie Fisher when she had lost her husband Michael Todd in a plane crash. Eddie Fisher was a crooner of the day who was married to the actess Debbie Reynolds (Singin' in the Rain).
Then during the filming of Cleopatra, the most expensive movie ever made at the time, she met Richard Burton and they fell in love.
He was married also, with children. They traveled together and were in the papers and scandal sheets and even the Pope criticized her. They married and also starred in Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, where she won an Oscar. Her SECOND Oscar.
She was a movie star all her life, starring in her first movie at age 10.
She began a charity for AIDS after the death of her dear friend Rock Hudson who died of the disease and was a huge movie star himself, starring as a leading man in many movies and hiding his homosexuality until he found out he had AIDS.
Elizabeth had 7 husbands, 4 children and 10 grandchildren. This woman really lived!
Goodbye, Liz.